Tuesday 6 October 2015

Our new routine

So, a couple of weeks ago I needed to talk to Barnaby.  

Talking whilst in the car, or on a walk means I may have his undivided attention for about 4 minutes so I took the chance.  :)

I explained that my life isn't working for me at the moment.  I am a single Mum,  a home educator,  I run my sewing business AND I've recently taken on running sessions in a local pottery studio  My life is chocka. And it wasn't working because whatever I was doing at any one time I was panicking about all the other stuff I wasn't doing and so felt like I was constantly chasing my tail. Something needed to change.

And changed it has.

Now I get up at 6am.
This seems more than a little ironic as I've had more than my fair share of sobbing about Barnabys pre - dawn wake up calls in his little life. He was a 6am riser every day of his life until he finished school.  Now his natural time to wake is about 8am.  I can't deny I've totally made the most of this the last couple of months but it wasn't helping, as by the time we were ready to start the day half the morning had gone.  

So now, the new rule is that breakfast is 8.30 and if he wakes before then he can play and potter and watch a dvd in his room but 6am til 8.30 is my time. Alone.  In the dark.
I work, I do the food shop, I stick a wash on, I sew, I drink coffee in absolute silence.  And I'm loving it!

9.30 is chores: his are written on the new kitchen whiteboard (which,  by the way: best idea ever. He wipes off chores when they are done,  he practices his handwriting and spelling,  he writes me a shopping list, he does his sums.)

10.30 -1pm is lessons - whatever we choose, they may be outdoor or in, games or puzzles,  reading or French,  arts and crafts, or even some educational TV.

1pm is lunch then the rest of the day is free

Yes. Free.

He *only* does about two hours of lessons a day.
School peeps I mention this to have a look of horror.  But then I point out that because their child is in school 9-3 they are lining up for assembly,  getting changed for PE,  having 2 breaks and a lunch,  sitting through two registrations....  Really they are getting as much time learning as my boy.
In the afternoon our 'free' time ranges from going to the tip or a walk in the woods. We could visit friends, or the library or do drawings or bake a cake... Of course,  you and I know this is still learning but for goodness sake don't let Barnaby know ;)

Usually there is also a lesson or a club at some point during the day. Currently he is signed up for French, St Johns Ambulance,  sports club, Beavers, fortnightly Forest School and Youth club.  He's considering joining chess club. And we've started attending the weekly home ed meetings when we can, so even more chance to run around and play with his mates.

Our week is full and noisy and busy. 

But at least now we have a routine we both know where we are and what we are doing. And for the last week we've implemented it, I've had the luxury of concentrating on the actual thing I'm doing at the time.

Long may it continue! 

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