Friday, 22 January 2016

The wanderer returns


It's been ages since I've updated this blog for a few reasons - firstly a 3 month virus wiped me off my feet. Combining that with looking after Barnaby, running my business and running art sessions at a local studio I was a tad rushed off my feet over Christmas and it was all I could do to be upright some days.

There is LOADS I could report in our home ed world but it'd make very long and probably arduous reading so I will refer back to bits in forthcoming blogs to cover it all.

Briefly we/he has:

Been attending sports club weekly  - now for a double session because he loves it so much
Started a new topic on the World Wars
Interviewed the optician about eyes and eye health during his first ever examination
Spent lots of time with Daddy and his family over Christmas
Been to church for the first time
Started working through a new series of work books
Spent a considerable time outside/up a tree/smothered in mud
Started building a world in Minecraft
Been to Devon for 5 days
Typed stories on an old fashioned typewriter
Got crafty - learning how to make a fabric wreath and how to do decopatch
Been to two pantomimes
Redesigned his bedroom - we are decorating it 'army style'
Made a marble run at Technology club
Got himself a job as an elf - working for Father Christmas himself
Helped out at The Paint Pot art studio
Been on his very first theatre trip to see Mary Poppins
Watched the new Star Wars film
Moved from Beavers to Cubs
Played lots of darts
Pulled down fences and generally helping Daddy on site of his house extension
Had his first go at ten pin bowling
Continued at Badgers learning first aid
Studied Guy Fawkes and the history of Fireworks night
Learnt some tudor history  about Kings and Queens with Nanny
Started reading (!!!)
Played lots of board games and has learnt how to play chess

So quite a bit been happening, as you can see.
I have been including lots of maths and english on a day to day basis - for example redeisgning his room has taken a lot of maths requirements and measurements.

So there you go, a very brief run through of the last few months! 

Optimistic Owls

Optimistic Owls
Optimistic Owls