So it's been an an up and down week. Virus and illness is still clinging on for both of us hasn't helped.
We didn't get to home ed group this week which is usually how I work out which day is Wednesday - ha! Sadly there was a break in at the hall which made it unusable.
Tuesday something new came for Barnaby again, we went to the YMCA in Cheltenham for sports club trial - he was nervous at first and asked me to go into the hall with him but I didn't need to be there too long, he scored all 5 goals at hockey (do they call them goals?!?) so he thought he was Gods gift to future olympics...!
This week has chucked up some things that I'd never have guessed he was interested in - Richard III and a very brief run through of the history of Kings and Queens - thank goodness Nanny was on hand to fill him in because she loves all that stuff. He seemed to be most enthralled about why King Rich was buried under a car park, and the changes he made to the justice system.
Then, after reading a library book about boats he became fascinated about how big ships didn't sink. We talked about the different forces (etc) and before I know it, he spent an hour and a half on YouTube watching a gazillion videos on the Costa Concordia sinking a few years back. He was totally fascinated in how the boat went down, rolled over, the cause (and a lovely discussion of the morality of the Captain for abandoning his ship!!)

Today he's been to Gloucester City Farm as we joined a new Farm Club. We go once a month and learn about a different animal each time. Today was sheep - he learned lots about all the different uses for all parts of the animal, not just wool, but explosives, chewing gum (you should have seen the look on his face - guess what he was eating!) and drums! We were lucky today, there was a 1 day old lamb that needed feeding, the horses were in and he held some week old chicks! Great morning all round!

As he's been feeling unwell he created a Den in the lounge and sat and watched Doctor Who for the best part of 2 days (in between his work books, baking some brilliant gluten free dairy free cupcakes and completing his Van Gogh painting)
He's off to his Dads this weekend and then again a bit later in the Easter holidays so updates will be a bit hit and miss.

I have noticed that he is so much more chilled out lately. He's going to sleep when he's tired and waking when he's ready. I have to be honest and say I'm finding it a bit of a struggle getting up in the morning because I've been working late in to the night, I really can't afford to let business suffer. But because I know we will get himself up and fed in the mornings I've been taking full advantage of an extra hour in bed. It's no good though really, because invariably he watches the telly then I have a bit of a battle to get him going after breakfast. So we've implemented a new morning routine which means we are both up and about earlier and getting going sooner in the day. Guess we'll work out what is best as we go.
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